Angie Marei New York Fine Jewelry - Diamond Concierge

The Perfect Diamond For You 

No two diamonds are alike - each one is created deep within the Earth’s crust over billions of years. Making every diamond unique and one of a kind and with its own characteristics and personality. That is why choosing a diamond specialist who can match your needs with the highest quality diamonds is essential. At Marei New York, we provide our clients with the finest diamonds and personalized service that caters to their individual needs and desires. We are committed to creating diamond jewelry of the highest quality, so you can trust us to procure the perfect diamond for you. Angie Marei and our team of experts will help guide you through the selection process, ensuring that your chosen diamond is carefully selected for maximum fire, beauty, and brilliance. We are dedicated to making the process of selecting your diamond an effortless one while delivering the highest quality diamonds and impeccable personalized service.

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The 4 C's:  Carat, Color, Clarity, & Cut

Understanding the 4 C’s - Carat, Clarity, Color, Cut- will help you make an informed decision and select the diamond that best reflects your personal taste, style and desires.

This is the measurement unit used to define the weight of the diamond, not the size. Generally speaking, the higher the carat weight, the larger the diamond appears and the more valuable the stone. How large a diamond appears also depends on its proportions. For example, a one-carat diamond that is wider but has shallow proportions will appear larger than a one-carat diamond with excellent proportions. It is important to understand that the carat weight of the diamond does not completely determine its value. You can have two diamonds of the same weight however, the other factors of shape, color, clarity, and the quality of the cut and polish play a large role in determining the value. 

Diamond colors are based on the Gemological Institute of America's (GIA) D-Z color grading scale. At the top of the scale, a D rating means that the stone is completely colorless, while the Z rating represents a light yellowish tint. Color is also influenced by the shape of the diamond, so for instance a round brilliant cut stone will hide a slight tint much more so than an emerald or oval cut. Colored fancy diamonds are also seeing an increase in demand. They come in all the colors of the rainbow and are considered exotic. The rarest diamond colors are red and green. 

Diamond clarity is the metric used to grade the visual appearance of a diamond. The fewer inclusions inside the stone and blemishes on the surface of the stone the diamond has, the higher the grade. Most imperfections cannot be seen by the naked eye however the clarity grade can impact the cost of the diamond. The types and amount of inclusions may also impact the diamond’s durability. Because diamonds form deep within the earth, they are subject to extreme heat and pressure. 100% flawless diamonds are extremely rare and therefore are in higher demand.

We consider this the most important of the 4C’s. Although this is the only part of diamond grading that is not controlled by nature, the quality of the actual cut is extremely significant when it comes to the brilliance of the diamond. The proportions, faceting, polish work, and the ability to return light to the eye are all considered when examining a diamond.

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Diamond History Throughout the Ages

Since the beginning of recorded history, diamonds have been a source of power and beauty that has captivated mankind. They have always been the center of culture, myths, and legends. Even during ancient times, diamonds were a symbol of wealth, power, and love. Back then, these precious stones were not cut into the shimmering gems we are familiar with today. The ancient cultures worshiped the rough form of the stone, otherwise known as an octahedron. These rough diamonds had a configuration of 6 sharp points, 8 flat planes, and 12 straight, sharp ridges and were considered extremely magical.

Diamonds In Ancient Egypt
In ancient Egypt, a diamond could be found in the middle of a hieroglyph known as an ankh, which is a cross with a loop on the top. The placement of the stone symbolized the sun, which the Egyptians considered the source of power, truth, and courage. Because of the Egyptians, today we still wear the engagement ring on the third finger of our left hand. They believed the ‘vein of love’ connected the ring finger and the heart.

Diamonds In Ancient India
The Hindu culture believed that diamonds were created by a lightning strike to a rock, and they used them to bring brilliance to the eyes of their statues.  The ancient Indians had a saying; “He who wears a diamond will see danger turn away.” The Hindus believed that diamonds made them invincible and that they brought mental clarity due to their refractive qualities.

Diamonds In Ancient Greece & Rome
Greek and Roman history both show that diamonds were a very powerful force in their respective cultures. They believed that diamonds were tears of the gods they worshipped and even small pieces of broken stars that had fallen to earth. In Roman literature, Cupid tipped his arrows with diamonds, and Greek philosopher Plato implied that diamonds were living beings that embodied celestial spirits.

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